Monday 23 April 2012

Plastic Bags Ban Around The World

Plastic bags are blamed for growing environmental damage around the world. As the campaign to ban them gathers momentum, here is a snapshot of how countries around the world are tackling the issue.  In Malaysia, plastic bags and goods represent approximately 24% of the total waste, according to experts. Even worse, plastic bags end up being littered at public places, clogging up sewage drains which could contribute to flooding. When washed out to the ocean, plastic bags could pose a risk to marine animals whether through accidental ingestion or suffocation.  In Africa, the sight of littered plastic bags was so ubiquitous that a home-based industry has been developed to harvest these bags. The bags will be woven into hats, mats and even more durable bags, selling it off later on.

According to the environmental protection Agency, more than 380 billion plastic bags are used in the United States every year and only about 1 percent to 3 percent are ever recycled.  worldwide, people use nearly 1 trillion plastic bags every year.  According to various estimates, Taiwan consumes 20 billion plastic bags annually(900 per person), Japan consumes 300 billion bag each year(300 per person) and Australia consumes 6.9 billion plastic bags annually (326 per person).  

This is our concern, and this is why I'm Not A Plastic Bag firmly say NO to plastic bag.  The consumption of plastic bags getting higher day by day. And we don't event realize that one person consumes almost thousand plastic bag every year.  From only one piece of plastic bag, consumes to trillion usage of plastic bags unconsciously.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Why You Should Say NO To Plastic Bags?

Hi everyone.How was your day? Today we want to share a little bit why we should not use plastic bags.  So here is the reasons why plastic bags was NOT the best one to use!

1 ) Environmental Damage

Plastic bags have been known to cause a lot of environmental damage. A single plastic bag can take up to 1000 years, to decay completely. This makes the bags stay in environments longer, in turn leading to great build-up on the natural landscape (much more than degradable materials like paper). In other words, the more plastic bags you use, the greater the chances of environmental damage.

2 ) Threat to Animal Life

As per Marrickville Council of Australia, as many as 100,000 whales, turtles and birds die have been reported to die every year, mainly because of plastic in their environment. Plastic bags not only have adverse effects on our natural habitats, but have also been found to be responsible for the death of many animals, mainly on account of the suffocation encountered on eating them.

3 ) Suffocation

Not only animals, infants and young children have also been reported to have lost their life, on account of plastic bags. Since plastic bags are thin and airtight as well, children often end up blocking their mouths and nostrils with them. In case they are not being monitored by an adult, this leads to suffocation and, in some cases, even death.

4 ) Pollution

Plastic bags are extremely durable. In case you are thinking of this as an advantage, just bring to mind an image of the huge landfill that you visited on the city outskirts, the other day. In most probability, majority of the rubbish present there will comprise of plastic bags only. In other words, plastic bags have led to a great increase in the pollution levels.

5 ) Fumes

Since plastic bags are not bio-degradable, the only way to get rid of them is to burn them up. Though lighting a match to them is easy, it has more than its fair share of disadvantages. The biggest of them is that smoldering plastics can release toxic fumes into the environment, in turn taking the air pollution to much higher levels.

6 ) Non-renewable

One of the main disadvantages of plastic bags is that they are not renewable. The reason behind this is that they are made of petrochemicals, a non-renewable source of energy. They can be recycled, but not as easily as paper bags. Plastic bags can last for as much as hundred of years. In other words, long after you are no more, the plastic bag used by you will be in existence.

Thus, let's start to NOT using plastic bag today!

cited from :-

Starting Point

Hello everyone,

This blog was created of one of the requirement for New Media Technologies (PRO622) subject.  Despite of having this blog, we also have our official social networking sites.  This subject requirement also need us to come out with one make-believe campaign which we decide to do "I'M NOT A PLASTIC BAG" campaign. This is because we realize the need on to preserved our environment as the numbers of the usage of plastic bag was increasing day by day.

So, let's start our journey in preserve our environment by saying NO to plastic bags